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The MOST Important Thing All Catchers Should Be Doing

Catchers are one of the only players in sports that spends most of the game right next to the official. This means the way a catcher carries himself or herself can have a significant impact on the umpire's environment.

We want the umpires environment conducive to making clear and concise calls so it makes sense to keep up a good relationship with your umpire.

-You cannot guarantee that having a good relationship will do you any favors during the game, but you can guarantee a poor relationship with the umpire will not help you. For this reason, it is important that the catcher acknowledge the umpire and build a relationship that reflects positively on yourself and your team.

How Do You Build A Good Relationship with the Umpire?

  1. Shake their hand and introduce yourself at the beginning of the game

  2. Ask how many warm-up throws the pitcher gets in-between innings

  3. Say thank you when the umpire hands you a new ball

  4. Give the umpire time to recover after being hit by a foul ball(walking the new ball out to the pitcher's mound)

  5. Ask umpires questions about themselves

It's important to note that you need to build a feel for which umpires want to talk and some that don't.

Some umpires prefer a more silent, less chatty workplace so that they can focus

If you have an umpire who prefers silence, stick to the thank you's and short dialogue. You'll get a feel for this based on how enthusiastic or in-depth their responses are to your initial questions/interactions.

What Are Some Examples of These Questions?

- How many games are you umpiring today?

-Are you from around here?

-Do you umpire different levels of play?

Catchers, build a good relationship with your home plate umpire

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